You can use below code. it will close all windows
Shell("cmd /c start virtualguitarist.exe /w", vbNormalFocus)
How to declare a generic ArrayList in C# (which extends IList)?
I'm trying to add a generic ArrayList to an existing class, but it gives me an error when trying to implement the generic IList.
public class PageContext
: PageBase
where T : IList
private ArrayList list;
public PageContext(IDictionary items)
: base(items)
if (!items.TryGetValue("list", out list))
list = new ArrayList();
I have already tried making the ArrayList list private static and using the non-generic List class, but this does not seem to work. How can I create a generic ArrayList?
You can use List rather than ArrayList, which will satisfy the constraint of T : IList:
public class PageContext : PageBase
where T : IList
private List list;
public PageContext(IDictionary items)
: base(items)
if (!items.TryGetValue("list", out list))
list = new List();
If you want a slightly simpler solution than that, you can use an IList instead of the generic List:
public class PageContext : PageBase
where T : IList
private IList list;
public PageContext(IDictionary items)
: base(items)
if (!items.TryGetValue("list", out list)) ac619d1d87
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